
Save the date! Unsere internationale Tagung findet im Mai 2024 statt.

02.04.2024|11:39 Uhr

Vom 14.05 - 16.05.2024 findet unsere Tagung zum Thema: Acquisition Advantages in Multilingual Learners: Theoretically- and Empirically-based Studies of the Multilingual Advantage and it's Use in Society statt.

Vom 14.05 - 16.05.2024 findet unsere Tagung zum Thema: Acquisition Advantages in Multilingual Learners: Theoretically- and Empirically-based Studies of the Multilingual Advantage and it's Use in Society statt. Die Tagung wird auf Englisch geführt und inkludiert Perspektiven aus den Sprachwissenschaften, Kognitionswissenschaften und der Didaktik. Gemeinsam möchten wir über die Vorteile von mehrsprachigen Lernern diskutieren und haben dazu ein spannendes Tagungsprogramm mit vielfältigen Vorträgen erstellt. 

Wir freuen uns über jede interessierte Person und laden Sie herzlich dazu ein unsere Tagung zu besuchen und sich gemeinsam mit uns auszutauschen! Die Teilnahme an der Tagung ist kostenlos. Füllen Sie dazu bitte das Formular aus und schicken Sie es uns an die unten stehende E-Mail Adresse. Wenn Sie nicht in Präsenz teilnehmen können, bitten wir Sie, das Formular trotzdem auszufüllen, damit wir Ihnen den Zoom-Link zur Tagung zukommen lassen können. Nach Erhalt Ihrer Anmeldung schicken wir Ihnen alle weiteren Informationen (Raumnummern und Zoom-Link) per E-Mail zu. 

Bei weiteren Fragen melden Sie sich gerne unter: mehrsprachigkeit[at]

English version: 

In 2022, German students achieved the worst result so far in the international performance comparison PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment). Academic skills also declined in most other OECD countries. One of the many reasons discussed is that the teaching methods in classes with students of different heritage languages have to be further improved. In order to explain the longer-term negative trend, the researchers therefore also looked at the pupils’ surveys on motivation, attitudes and lesson design. Compared to 2012, young people have less joy, interest and practice in e.g. reading and the benefit is unclear for them.

The conference will bring together specialists from cognitive science, linguistics and pedagogy with the aim to describe and discuss the so-called multilingual advantage which multilingual learners “bring to school” with the aim to contribute to the development of ideas about how advantages can be used as resources in the institution. This is rather challenging: Some of the concepts which are assumed to explain the so-called multilingual advantage are cognitive in nature and thus apply to all the learner’s languages, irrespective of their linguistic repertoire. Other concepts to describe advantages are linguistic in nature and thus related to the specific structure of the languages the learners bring to the task to improve their knowledge of the majority language (German in Germany) or of foreign languages taught at school, like English, French, Spanish and others. But school teachers are often not competent in all of their pupils’ heritage languages and there is a strong need for teachers’ support in developing knowledge about multilingualism and in establishing teaching materials for the valuation of all learner’s linguistic repertoires in order to strengthen pupils’ language learning strategies between languages and to foster teachers’ collaboration across curricula e.g. with other language teachers. Multilingualism is considered a resource in the curriculum which should be promoted. But official guidelines are missing on how this goal can be reached. As a consequence, teachers’ beliefs about multilingualism are the source of how multilingualism is fostered at schools.

The conference will take place from 14.05 - 16.05.2024 and will be held in English. It will include perspectives from linguistics, cognitive science and didactics. Together we would like to discuss the advantages of multilingual learners and have put together an exciting conference programme with a variety of presentations. 

We look forward to welcoming every interested person and cordially invite you to attend our conference and exchange ideas with us! Participation in the conference is free of charge. Please fill in the form and send it to the e-mail address below to confirm your attendence. If you cannot attend the conference in person, please fill in the form so that we can send you the Zoom link to the conference. After receiving your registration we will send you all further information (room numbers and Zoom-link). 

If you have any further questions, please contact us at: mehrsprachigkeit[at]